Course Design and Development Services

Blackboard services can help you craft and deliver an inclusive, personalised experience for learners that successfully applies best practices in online course design.

Our Course Design and Development Portfolio includes services that range from temporarily extending your team to the full development of highly interactive online courses. Work with our team of instructional designers, educational consultants and course developers to create learning experiences based on industry and educational best practices.

Course Development

Graphic showing a mouse arrow and different options for learning experience

Custom Course Creation

You will create a better learning experience alongside our instructional design team. Through our agile process, you will efficiently develop a course applying pedagogical best practices.

A graphic of a consultant waving with three boxes representing options in the background

Instructional Design Consulting

Your team’s specific needs will be addressed by our expert consultants, expanding the technical capabilities of your team.

Graphic showing stars and a bulb as representation of ideas

Digital Asset Creation

Enhance your course experience with highly interactive digital assets designed to deepen your students’ learning. Animations, infographics, and other educational components are integrated into the course experience.

Graphic showing different assets for courses

Branding Services

Your courses will share a consistent user experience throughout, including course banners, reusable MS templates, and specific HTML assets.

Course Design templates

Course Templates

Choose from existing standard templates, branded templates for your institution, or custom templates adapted to your use cases.

Course Review and Feedback

Empower your team to act on the most critical aspects of the existing course design with clear and actionable recommendations from our experts on how best to tackle your unique challenges.

Self-select the courses to be reviewed based on your institution’s goals.
Receive a scoring sheet with actionable recommendations for each course using our experts’ rubric.
Obtain a final report with inputs and recommendations, plus an individual assessment for each course.

Course Coach

With a combination of live sessions, custom guidance, and timely tips, each educator at your institution receives personalised advice on how to design and develop their online courses.

A coach pointing at a graphic of a path

Coaching Pathway

Your faculty complete a self-assessment survey to evaluate their experience designing and creating digital learning experiences.  
Based on the survey results, a consultant will allocate them in a custom coaching pathway.

A person in a virtual meeting with other 2 other persons

Onboarding Session

The coaching pathway starts with a personalised onboarding session. This can be in a small group (up to eight educators) or one-to-one, depending on the service selected.
During the session a consultant will provide an introduction to course design based on the specifics needs of the attendants.

A graphic of a calendar displaying the number 30

30-Day Guidance

After the onboarding sessions, educators will receive daily personalised tips and insights that will guide them through the process of creating their courses.
These insights are designed to provide timely and easy to follow advice.

A graphic of a control panel with a big question button

Drop-in Clinics

Throughout the project, educators can attend Drop-in Clinics with an “Ask me anything” format led by Blackboard experts.

We're Experts in Course Design and Development

With one of the largest ecosystems of specialists in Higher Education with global and regional expertise, Blackboard Course Design and Development has extensive experience partnering with educators and institutions to help them achieve their goals.

Contact a Course Design & Development Expert