About Us

Blackboard is a leading EdTech company serving higher education, further education, business and government clients around the world. We connect a deep understanding of education with the power of technology to continuously push the boundaries of learning.

What We Believe

Education has the power to transform lives and societies. At Blackboard, we believe learning is a right, not a privilege. We are proud to partner with the global education community and witness your endless passion to ensure learners around the world have access to a quality education.

With you, we can do more, so that the best education possible is accessible for all learners. We help you deliver an integrated experience that addresses individual needs and helps educators shape each learner’s journey to prepare them for the future.

IMS Global Standards First

Standards First

We are proud supporters of the Standards First Pledge. As part of a community that is committed to make open standards the first and primary choice for education technology integrations, we are advocates for standards based integrations. We believe that achieving and promoting official product certification to open standards enables a better EdTech ecosystem and community and believe in fair and open business practices for suppliers. This is a cause we are passionate about and have taken the Standards First pledge to confirm our support. Find out more about Standards First

Blackboard Around the Globe

Talk to our team members in offices all over the world about creating your next-generation digital learning environment.

Your Students Deserve an Exceptional Education Experience

Learn how Blackboard can help you achieve your goals.