Accessibility at Blackboard

Blackboard is fully committed to delivering product experiences that conform to the highest levels of global accessibility standards. We know that a mature digital accessibility programme must establish a sustainable organisational culture around accessibility.

Core Beliefs

At Blackboard, we believe in providing a more inclusive experience for everyone. To make sure we achieve this goal, our products and processes are guided by the following core beliefs:

Accessibility is an Imperative

Accessibility is an Imperative—Not an Afterthought

As inclusive thinking spreads across the education landscape, we have a unique opportunity to positively impact the lives of people with disabilities. To do so we must deeply integrate accessibility into all aspects of our organisational culture.

Understand Empathize &Act

Understand, Empathise & Act

Teachers and students’ fundamental goals remain the same, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities. We must endeavour to fully understand the needs of people with disabilities. However, awareness is not enough. We must act.

Deliver the Promise

Deliver the Promise

The edu-tech industry’s accessibility focus is rapidly increasing due to the tremendous promise technology offers to people with disabilities. We must focus on providing tools and services that deliver on this promise and inspire people of all abilities to learn.

Accessibility in Blackboard Products

Our products are designed and developed in accordance with the internationally recognised Web Content Accessibility (WCAG) Guidelines 2.1 Level AA as well as the Section 508 standards in the United States. A third party conducts regular audits of our software to ensure quality expectations are met and maintained.

Use the links below to access VPAT documentation and more, including helpful details about using each product with your assistive technology.

Learn more about accessibility compliance information for the new learning experience.

Access VPAT and WCAG 2.1 conformance documentation as well as helpful details about using Learn with assistive technology.

Do you have more questions? Visit our product and accessibility help pages to find answers and more.

Blackboard Ally (for LMS & Web)

Accessible content is better content. Blackboard Ally is designed to help you gain greater insight into the accessibility of your digital content.