Computer with a check mark

Blackboard Assessment & Accreditation Solution

Our assessment and accreditation solutions and services help institutions reach their desired vision for institutional and program assessment and accreditation. Our approach is structured to ensure benefits are realized quickly, yet flexible enough to support institution-specific processes.

Teacher and student share a virtual high-five.

Leverage teaching and learning already happening in Blackboard Learn.

Students and faculty members share a group hug

Reduce the burden on faculty, students, and assessment professionals.

Bulb with a number one gesture hand inside

Empower institutions to make better, faster learning outcome decisions.

Person with charts to the sides

Provide gap insights so institutions can proactively intervene.

Assessment and Accreditation Webinar Series

Curious about how institutions just like yours have implemented Blackboard’s assessment solutions? Take a look at our webinar series to discover the various use cases and learn about which webinars are coming next. 

Two Approaches to Assessment

Instructor marking checkboxes

Inside-the-course Primary Assessment

Give instructors the freedom to assess their own students using in-course exams and grading or secondary rubrics—which exist in their Blackboard Learn course.

  • Facilitate assessment using test questions aligned to learning outcomes.
  • Facilitate assessment using in-course rubrics for any gradable item (e.g., an assignment, a discussion, etc.) in Blackboard Learn with rubric rows aligned to learning outcomes.
  • Automate test and rubric data collection across sections and disciplines.
  • Provide robust statistical analysis, including overall test and item reliability by individual student, course, and cohort.
Assessment professionals analyzing data charts

Outside-the-course Juried Assessment

Empower assessment professionals to automate the collection and evaluation of student work–based on assignment submissions in Blackboard Learn — aligned to learning outcomes across sections and disciplines.

  • Create an evidence repository of student assignment artifacts aligned to learning outcomes.
  • Facilitate the sampling of evidence repositories and scoring of assessment rubrics by faculty teams.
  • Enable quality audits of student learning outcomes for curricular effectiveness.
  • Simplify the identification of strengths and weaknesses of student learning by student, course, cohort, and by reviewer for inter-rater reliability.

Blackboard Is Your Partner in Institutional & Student Success

Whether you have a question on Assessment & Accreditation or want to see it in action, contact us.